
MACPie aims to standardize a set of Python tools useful for programmers at the MAC in particular, and the data science community in general. The tools are divided into the following various modules:


Utility functions related to dates and times.

current_datetime_str([fmt, ms, ms_prefix])

Get the current datetime with second precision with default format YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS


Return milliseconds of the datetime

reformat_datetime_str(arg[, format])

Reformat a datetime string into specified format.



Make an iterator that returns duplicate items from the seq along with the the indices of that item. ::.

filter_get_index(predicate, iterable)

Make an iterator that yields items of iterable for which predicate returns true, along with the index of that item.

filter_get_message(predicates, iterable[, ...])

Make an iterator from items of iterable for which one or more predicates returns true, along with the index of that item and optional message information.

first_true(iterable[, default, pred])

Returns the first true value in the iterable.

overlay(bottom, top[, predicate, ...])

Overlay elements from top over bottom.


chunks(seq[, chunk_size])

Make an iterator returning successive chunks of size chunk_size from seq. ::.

common_members(a, b)

difference(a, b)

Return list of items in a that are not in b, like a - b, while preserving order. ::.

filter_seq(seq[, items, like, regex, pred, ...])

Filter sequence of strings.

filter_seq_pair(left, right[, intersection, ...])

Filter pair of sequences of strings.

is_disjoint(a, b)

Check if two lists are disjoint (i.e. have no element in common). ::.

is_list_like(obj[, allow_sets])

Whether obj is a tuple or list

list_like_str_equal(a, b[, case_sensitive])

Whether list of strings in a is equal to the list of strings in b.

make_list_if_list_like(obj[, allow_sets])

make_same_length(*seqs[, fillvalue])

Make sequences the same length, filling any shorter lists with fillvalue to make them equal-sized.

make_tuple_if_list_like(obj[, allow_sets])

maybe_make_list(obj[, allow_sets])

If obj is not list-like, return as a single item list.

maybe_make_tuple(obj[, allow_sets])

If obj is not list-like, return as a single item list.

move_item_to(l, item, item_to_move_to[, offset])

Move an item in a list to the just before the position of another item. ::.

remove_duplicates(seq[, preserve_order])

Remove duplicates from a sequence while preserving order.

rtrim(seq[, predicate])

Remove trailing elements from sequence as long as predicate is true.

rtrim_longest(*seqs[, predicate, fillvalue])

Remove trailing elements from each sequence as long as predicate is true.



Autoadjust the column widths of a Worksheet

file_to_dataframe(filepath[, sheet_name, ...])

get_column_index(ws[, col_header])

Get column index of the col_header, returning -1 if not found


Get all sheet names from an Excel file.

highlight_row(ws, row[, color])

Highlight row a certain color

is_row_empty(ws, row_index[, delete_if_empty])

Determine if a row is empty.

iter_rows_with_column_value(ws, column, value)

to_tablib_dataset(wb[, sheet_name, headers, ...])

Return a Tablib Dataset from an Excel file.

worksheet_to_dataframe(ws[, num_header, num_idx])

Converts an Excel worksheet to a pandas.DataFrame.


Path utilities

create_dir_with_datetime([dir_name_prefix, ...])

Create a new directory with the current datetime appended.

create_subdir(subdir_name[, where, exists_ok])

Creates a sub directory with the current date/time appended to the directory name.


Get all files only from directory


Return True if filepath has an extension compatabile with csv files.


Return True if filepath has an extension compatible with Excel files.

validate_paths(ps[, allowed_path, recurse, ...])


copy_file_same_dir(filepath[, new_file_name])

Copy a file into the same directory, by default appending "_copy" to filename, unless new_file_name is specified.


add_suffix(s, suffix[, max_length])

Add a suffix to a string, optionally specifying a maximum string length and giving priority to the suffix if maximum string length is reached. ::.

add_suffixes(s, suffixes[, max_length])

Add a list of suffixes to a string, optionally specifying a maximum string length and giving priority to the suffix if maximum string length is reached.

add_suffixes_with_base(base[, suffixes, ...])

Adds a list of suffixes to a specified base string.

make_unique(seq[, suffs_iter, suffs_prefix, ...])

Make sequence of string elements unique by adding a differentiating suffix.

seq_contains(s, seq[, case_sensitive])

Does sequence contain string.

str_equals(a, b[, case_sensitive])

Are strings equal.

str_startswith(s, prefix[, case_sensitive])

Does string start with a prefix.

strip_suffix(s, suffix)

Remove a suffix from a string.


Tablib is an format-agnostic tabular dataset library. It allows you to import, export, and manipulate tabular data sets. Advanced features include segregation, dynamic columns, tags & filtering, and seamless format import & export.

MacpieTablibDataset(*args, **kwargs)

Extend tablib.Dataset with extra functionality.

DictLikeTablibDataset(*args, **kwargs)

Tabular representation of basic information using two columns only: a Key column and a Value column, using a macpie.tablibtools.MacpieTablibDataset.

read_excel(filepath[, sheet_name, headers, ...])


validate_bool_kwarg(value, arg_name)

Ensures that argument passed in arg_name is of type bool.


tlset_sheet(tlset, ws, format_bold, ...[, ...])

Completes given worksheet from given Dataset.


Simulates AutoFit columns in Excel.