
macpie.pandas.filter_labels(*dfs: DataFrame, axis=None, filter_level=None, result_level=None, result_type='single_list', **kwargs)#

Filter dataframe row or column labels. The options items, like, and regex are additive and can be used in conjunction with one another.

dfsSequence of DataFrames
axis{0 or index, 1 or columns, None}, default None

The axis to filter labels on, expressed either as an index (int) or axis name (str). By default this is the info axis, ‘index’ for Series, ‘columns’ for DataFrame.

filter_levelstr or int, optional

For a MultiIndex, level (name or number) to use for filtering. Supports negative indexing (i.e. -1 is highest level).

result_levelstr or int, optional

For a MultiIndex, return the labels at the requested level (name or number). Default is returning all levels.

result_type{‘single_list’, ‘single_list_no_dups’, ‘list_of_lists’}, default ‘single_list_no_dups’

Indicates how results should be returned.

  • single_list: Results are flattened into a single list

  • single_list_no_dups: Results are flattened into a single list with duplicates removed

  • list_of_lists: List of lists.


All remaining keyword arguments are passed through to the underlying macpie.lltools.filter_seq() function to perform the actual filtering.

List of labels. See result_type parameter.

See also


Subset the dataframe rows or columns according to the specified index labels.